The peer-reviewed International eJournal “Sciences of Education” issues an open call for original scientific and research papers.

The ejournal is not published on specific dates, therefore there is no specific timetable for submitting an article. Each writer sends us his/her text when he/she completes it and the issue is released as soon as there is a sufficient number of articles that have completed the peer-reviewing process.

Those interested are kindly requested to follow the “Guidelines on Writing and Formatting” of the journal to prepare their manuscripts.

Manuscript submissions are done via email at:

Purpose of the ejournal
The journal publishes original scientific-research papers dealing with issues of research or theoretical interest in the education sciences from the Greek and international spheres. The main purpose of this publishing project is to smooth out the physical difficulties that arise in the interconnection of theory and practice in the broad scientific field of education. The aim of the publication is to highlight all aspects of education at theoretical and research level and to provide a forum for the publication of both new scientists and already established researchers. This way, the importance of contact between academics, educators and new researchers is emphasized, in order to promote research and the research process and to provide an open forum for their active participation in heterogeneous scientific, theoretical and research topics.

The ejournal is not published on specific dates, therefore there is no specific timetable for submitting an article. Each writer sends us his/her text when he/she completes it, and the issue is released as soon as there is a sufficient number of articles that have completed the peer-reviewing process.

  1. Text's size should be up to 4.500 words, including bibliography, tables and footnotes.
  2. Writing type: Times New Roman,  10 pt., single-space, capital and lowercase letters, in Word form.
  3. The numerical style is used for citation (not the APA style) and bibliographical references are inserted in the form of footnotes at the end of each page.
  4. Abstract in english and greek, 100-130 words.
  5. Key-words in english and greek.
  6. Title in english and greek.
  7. A brief biographical note of each author at the end of the article.
  8. Appendixes are not accepted and their information should be inserted in the article, aw tables or diagrams.
  9. Those interested should submit their complete text, ready for publication, in electronic form via e-mail at
    The text must meet the guidelines mentioned above and those that are posted here.

The journal is available online and is monolingual, in English.

The peer-reviewing process
All papers submitted for review for the ejournal subject to the following rules:
They undergo the double-blind peer review process, which means that the papers are submitted anonymously to the reviewers and thus the identity of the author is concealed from the reviewer and vice versa.
The reviewer committee consists of academics and/or PhD holders.
Each paper, depending on the subject area it falls into, is submitted to a reviewer with an equivalent field of expertise.

Financial participation of the authors
For a text that doesn’t exceed 4,500 words, the financial participation for each author amounts to €80.
In the event that the author/authors deem it necessary or wish to develop their work beyond 4,500 words, the cost of financial participation increases by €0.01 per word. Therefore, if a paper is 7,000 words, then the financial contribution will amount to €80 + €25 = €105.
With the sending of the article, if it meets the specifications of writing scientific articles and is accepted to follow the procedure of blind judgment, it is required that the entire amount be paid in advance by each author. The payment of the financial participation is made by depositing into a bank account.
In case of rejection of the article after the judgment and re-checking process or failure to make the required corrections, the amount of €30 will be returned to each author.
When the issue is posted on the website, an electronic copy (pdf) will be sent to each author via email.

Electronic copies and reprints
Following the publication of the issue in the website, each author will receive the certificate, the electronic reprint of the article (pdf) and the electronic copy of the entire issue (pdf), sent by email. The resend request of each certificate and reprint shall cost 10€.
The electronic copy of a specific article costs 5€ and of a specific issue 7€. The files are sent in a pdf formation by email.